We had a funny conversation while driving along. It was if I were Prime Minister for a day – what would I do. I thought it could be fun to mention here. Here goes.
Sugar tax
Yep, I’d bring this in properly and not just for fizzy drinks. I’d include all kinds of chocolate, sweets and the like. While I’m at it, I’d have a good look at McDonalds, KFC and so on. Why? Because KFC = Keep Fat & Chubby. Feeding such crap to your kids could be described as child abuse.
The Government has previously missed a trick with not introducing minimum alcohol pricing, although perhaps Scotland might have had the foresight to do this. Considering the immense harm to people’s physical and mental health through excessive alcohol, there is a strong case for this. Add the misery caused by drunk people getting into fights, domestic abuse and general rowdiness, I think a significant hike in price is valid. Although I am loathed to agree very much with David Cameron, I think he was right in wanting to create a cafe culture to replace a pub culture.
You can probably predict what I’m going to say here. Double the tax on cigarettes now.
Transforming Rehabilitation
I would order the Ministry of Justice to undo all of the harm Chris Graying has done to the justice system and probably sack him by the time I have my morning coffee break. I think also I’d look to change sentencing policy so the prison population can come down and invest the money saved in rehabilitation.
While I’m at it, I would transfer much of Whitehall out into the regions i.e. moving the power from central London closer to where it is needed. So sorry Sir Humphrey, your days are numbered.
Freedom of speech, political correctness
It saddens me when I hear of street preachers getting into trouble for preaching. This has to change.
The unborn children
Far too many babies are aborted for very dubious reasons. There is a fine line between medical need and murder. Apparently in 2015 there were 185,000 abortions in England and Wales. Something has to be done about it.
Range Rovers and other high performance cars
Sorry folks, your days are also numbered unless you’re willing to pay through the nose for your gas guzzlers and status symbols. While you’re doing this everyone will think you have more money than sense. I think I’d do this through VAT in purchasing the car in the first place and then the annual road tax. If it costs £500 a year to keep a Range Rover taxed, well I’d make it £5,000. As for cars with blacked out windows, you have it coming as well.
Private education
As someone who has put his own children through a private school, you might be surprised to know I would charge VAT on the fees but introduce it over a period of years.
It will come as little surprise that I’d spend more money on making life easier for the cyclist who, in the UK, puts up with a lot. Dreadful roads, poor junction layouts, potholes, few cycle lanes and the list goes on.
I like all this a lot, especially the cyclist bit. I’ll vote for you.