Coast to Coast pacing

Coast to Coast in a day profile

Coast to Coast in a day profile

I sent to tweet out about this aid to Coast to Coast pacing which caused a bit of discussion so for the benefit of my cycling pals (and other readers) here’s a little more detail.

Thanks first of all go to Josh who had the common sense and gumption to produce this first of all.  It’s the kind of thoughtful thing he’s do anyway.  He’s got one prepared for each one of our little gang in doing the Coast to Coast in a Day.  Just a few weeks to go now.

The idea is simple.  You just stick it to the handlebars and there you have all the feeding stations with their approximate mileages and these are plotted against the climbs.  Simple.   Seascale and the Irish Sea is on the left, Whitby and the North Sea is on the right.

Most scary of all is the first spike – Hardknott Pass – at least that is early in the day – just think how mean it would be to have a climb like that after a 120 miles – that would be cruel torture.  Overall I will find this incredibly helpful as a way of keeping everything in perspective and as a way of breaking the ride down into bite-size segments, with feeding stations along the way (I hope the food is nice, tasty and does the right job in fuelling us all).

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